

Stomach ulcers in horses may lead to pain and discomfort, poor performance, damage to the stomach lining, and even death. Any horse exposed to stressful conditions such as travel, showing, training, racing, competition, barn routine changes, and even stall confinement may be at risk for developing stomach ulcers. In addition, horses can develop stomach ulcers in as little as 5 days.

UlcerGard® contains the active ingredient omeprazole which works to prevent the formation of stomach ulcers by suppressing stomach acid production. A single tube of UlcerGard® contains four preventative doses for horses weighing 600-1200 lbs. and each dose lasts 24 hours. You may purchase this highly effective product without the need for a veterinarian’s prescription. Supplied as a single 4 dose syringe or as a pack of 6, 4 dose syringes.

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